Not finding an answer? Contact GoPro Sales & Support. Get Support For: Customer Support; Product Updates; Contact Sales + Support. Most Youtube videos are FLV format which is not supported by GoPro Studio. If you are clinging and stick to edit Youtube video in GoPro Studio, you can refer to the following way which can solve. GoPro Studio is available for Windows® and Mac® via free at the GoPro Studio Product Page. If you are the GoPro Hero series user, you may be very familiar with the GoPro Studio, for the Canon, Nikon users, the GoPro Studio is also the ideal editor software for them. Download Quik for desktop Step 1: Go to the Quik for desktop product page on the GoPro website. Step 2: Click the “Download Now” button Step 3: The download should start for you automatically (The screenshot of the download below is from Chrome, other browsers may look slightly different). Jun 06, 2017  Most Youtube videos are FLV format which is not supported by GoPro Studio. If you are clinging and stick to edit Youtube video in GoPro Studio, you can refer to the following way which can solve. Summary: GoPro Studio is a free and powerful edit software, and many and many people are prefer to edit their video clip via GoPro Studio, here we give the details about the GoPro Studio, and give the solution of failed import video in GoPro Studio, hope it can get you out of the failed import issues. GoPro Studio is available for Windows® and Mac® via free at the GoPro Studio Product Page.

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  2. Solved Can Download Gopro Studio For Mac
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Would appear from detailed viewing of iMac models circa 2006, none of them could be used

to run an OS X version as new as Mountain Lion 10.8.5. Most can't run Lion 10.7.5. So the

answer would be to find a newer model computer that can run Mountain Lion, or newer...

Depending on what kind of files the GoPro generates, the ability to edit, alter, and use them

will vary. Certain editing software exists, but the details of what is still available for older OS X

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and your configuration, is sketchy at best. That is one of the reasons why the maker suggests

their GoPro device and/or software needs a later OS X system. Major upgrade. (OS + Mac)

The information on various Mac products can be read online at sites such as

Solved Can Download Gopro Studio For Mac

where they show all models of a product name, and info about almost every mac built. To

use resources to see what kind of later computer may be affordable, available, and run the

software you already have, may take time. To keep a useful older computer at the best-last

state in OS X, with its software, is helpful if you have other applications that work for you.

Then you'd just need to find a niche product, such as a MacBook Pro from 2010; perhaps

a Late 2012 model 13-inch. Maybe even an earlier MacBook; these are no longer made.

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Some reputable sellers offer restored or repaired older vintage Macs. For newer ones

that can run later Mac OS software, the Apple Store has their refurbished pages. These

are fairly current. Older ones no longer under any AppleCare plan, can be found at

shops that repair them for a living; or used. Be careful when buying used products, read

Solved can download gopro studio for mac

to see if there were issues, damages, and be sure to get the accessories & system discs

if the model is old enough to have DVDs included. Oh, be sure if you get a used Mac that

is newer, did not ship with install DVDs, the original owner has not tied it to their AppleID.

A promised upgrade in a used Mac, to Yosemite, does you no good if the computer is

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tied to a former owner, and their password and their Apple ID accounts.

In any event... to use that peripheral will require a newer computer & later OS X version.

Good luck & happy computing! 🙂

Feb 18, 2015 12:35 AM