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  2. TinyUmbrella 7.12 - For local iPhone restores; also useful for jailbreaking. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update TinyUmbrella for Mac from MacUpdate.
  1. Download Tinyumbrella For Windows Free

TinyUmbrella Download links for Windows/Android/iOS/Mac are available here for the sake of the different users. TinyUmbrella app request SHSH signatures to restore the latest firmware version and do backup previous version signatures so that iTunes can bring back the device to perform better.

Download TinyUmbrella for Mac OS X and Windows 7, 8, 10 (32 & 64 bit): First off all why do we need TinyUmbrella? TinyUmbrella handles SHSH signatures for iOS firmware restores enabling iTunes to continue a restore when without TinyUmbrella it would not be possible.

A SHSH blob (also known as “ECID SHSH”) is a piece of data of Apple’s Digital Signature for iOS Restores and Updates.This is the way Apple implemented to control what users can and cannot do regarding to updates and restores using iTunes.

TinyUmbrella is used for local iPhone iOS restores making it possible. How cool is that for those who like to downgrade / restore / jailbreak? Jailbreakers can install jailbreakable older versions that are not signed by Apple right now.

TinyUmbreall allow you to kick your iPhone into or out recovery mode and save your SHSH so that you can restore your firmware in the future. It also permits you to restore your device using saved SHSH (using TSS Server).

Download TinyUmbrella

Download TinyUmbrella for Mac OS X (Installer) here

Download TinyUmbrella for Windows 32 bit (Installer) here

Download TinyUmbrella for Windows 64 bit (Installer) here


How to use TinyUmbrella

Here we will describe how to save SHSH blobs on Mac and Windows.

1 – How to save SHSH blobs on Mac (using TinyUmbrella)

  • Open TinyUmbrella application on your Mac
  • Connect your device and close all pop-ups (like iTunes etc.)
  • Make sure your device is connected (check top left connected devices drop-down list)
  • Now click on the “Fetch OTA for … iPhone” button
  • After the fetching process is done you can find SHSH blobs saved on mac on the following path / location: “~/.tu/.shsh“. You can access instantly to this path inputing from keyboard “⌘(Command) + Shift + G”.

2 – How to save SHSH blobs on Windows (using TinyUmbrella)

Is very simple to use TinyUmbrella, you just need to select your iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TV) on the left, save SHSH on the button “Save SHSH” and in the “General” tab you have all saved SHSH. To restore you just need to click on the “Start TSS Server” button.

Fixing TinyUmbrella Errors

#1 – Error 255 (console.app crash for MAC)

If you are facing this error (only for MAC users), open an terminal – ⌘(Command) + Space > type “Terminal” > “Enter”;

In the terminal run the next commands:

  • $ sudo chmod -R u+rw ~
  • $ sudo chown -R $USER ~

After running the commands, reinstall TinyUmbrella.


  • added some known fixes – 15.8.19
  • added some directions to save SHSH blobs on Mac OS X – 15.8.20

You can now easily download TinyUmbrella for Windows and Mac OSX using links given below.

Firmware umbrella also know as TinyUmbrella is one of the most popular SHSH blobs saving tool for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. It is developed and maintained by the famous iPhone developer semaphore who has done so much for the Jailbreak community over the past years.

If you’re happen to iPhone Jailbreak guy then most of the times you’ll need this tool to save SHSH blobs on your iPhone. Apple server only restore to the particular iOS firmwares versions they ‘sign’. Now this ‘signing’ process lasts for a limited time. Once they stop ‘signing’ the SHSHs for a specific version of iOS, there is no way to restore that firmware ever again. That later can be used to downgrade your firmware.

Download TinyUmbrella:

  • TinyUmbrella Windows for iOS 8 [Win x86 installer, Win x64 installer]
  • TinyUmbrella v7.12.00 for iOS 7 [ Windows, Mac]
  • TinyUmbrella v6.14.00 for Windows for iOS 6

How to use TinyUmbrella to Save SHSH Blobs for iPhone

These are the steps to save SHSH blobs on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:

  • Make sure that you’ve installed iTunes and Java on your Mac or Windows PC.
  • Download and run Tiny Umbrella as an administrator.
  • Connect your device using USB cable.
  • Immediately you should see your device connected and it will automatically pull down 3 types of blobs (Erase, Update and OTA) for the currently being sign firmware by Apple as shown in the screen below:

You can access the saved shsh blobs folder:

For Mac – Go to folder and type ‘~/.tu/.shsh and folder should open having the saved blobs files.

For Windows – C:UsersNameDocuments.shsh

You can learn more about the new added features on the official blog by the developer Semaphore. Do let us know in the comment section, how it goes.

Download Tinyumbrella For Windows Free

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